Google Announces Third Quarter 2010 Financial ResultsGoogle's third quarter financial results were announced at a press meeting. According to the reports, the corporation made 5.48 billion income in the previous quarter.

The corporation increased the total amount of income 23% compared to the third quarter of 2009 and made 7.29 billion. Clicks related to ads served on Google sites increased approximately 16% over the third quarter of 2009. The net income of the corporation has increased compared to 1.64 billion $ of the same period of the previous year and became 2.17 billion $. Besides, Google informed that they made 7.64 $ earnings per share.

According to these results, your spot on Google search results and the number of clicking are very important for your institutional web site. As the elements that increase the number of clicking through the web include updates and the number of visitors, you need to have an extensive software to be clicked more and raise to first results.

On this point, Disual steps in with a strong platform and the content management system it uses, you are given the management of your site and thus you update your site whenever and however you wish. Furthermore, with the consultancy service, it helps you on how to direct and develop this content data. Disual is ready to serve you to cary you to the tops in the Google search results.