How to Increase Your Facebook Conversions Using Google Analytics Do you want to improve your Facebook conversions? Have you considered combining the power of Google Analytics with your Facebook Insights? Comparing this data can help you find Facebook fans who are most likely to convert. In this article, we’ll show you how to identify an optimum audience and match it with your Facebook fans for increased conversions.

Identify Your Buying Audience

First let's look at your website. Google Analytics is the best way to identify which segments of your audience are most likely to convert to your goals. Based on the data from events and goals, you can look, demographics data (location, gender and age groups) to determine your optimum audience.

Find Audience Gaps on Facebook

You can use the Your facebook fans report. Compare the data with your findings from Google Analytics. Here you can see your fans' demographic segments by gender and age group. For example; Google Analytics showed that the website's optimum audience is males ages 45-64. However, Facebook Insights shows that the same audience only makes up 6% of the page's total fans. That's a significant gap. You can try to close the gap by creating products more suitable for your current Facebook fans or you can write targeted posts to increase both engagement and the number of fans from your optimum audience. Creating new products requires business analysis and decisions, but focusing on increasing engagement and fans is easier and will likely provide quicker results.

Understand Your Facebook Audience

Before you create new content and run campaigns aimed at increasing your optimum audience, it's important to understand that audience a little better. Keep in mind that using your page name under the connections option isn't a good idea. It's better to use the Interests area and industry-related keywords. Continue adding filters until you've identified your optimum demographic.

Create Targeted Content

Based on the targeting information from Facebook Audience insights, start creating new content that matches your optimum audience's interests. For example, watch other pages they follow to come up with content ideas. What type of posts do the other pages deliver? What are their engagement rates? Take a look at Job Title/Industry audience data to estimate the times when most of your optimum audience is looking at Facebook. Publishing when your users are online improves your chances of reaching them. This information can help you decide how to develop promotions most suitable for them.

Finally, remember to use facebook ads. Because, if you want to reach your audience, you'll need to promote your posts.