Page Titles for Better Search Results The most important part of a web site is the title of the page. To reach a page, first you need the title of that page. You need to use the page title to reach a web site in search engines at the same time. For this, your title should be unique and descriptive about what your page is about.

You should use many signals to decide which title to show to users, primarily the <title> tag if the webmaster specified one. But for some pages, a single title might not be the best one to show for all queries, and so you should have algorithms that generate alternative titles to make it easier for your users to recognize relevant pages. These alternative titles are generally more relevant to the query and can substantially improve the click through rate to the result, helping both your searchers and webmasters. This is the reason you should show an alternative title.

Other times, alternative titles are displayed for pages that have no title or a non-descriptive title specified by the webmaster. For example, a title using simply the word "Home" is not really indicative of what the page is about. Another common issue is when a webmaster uses the same title on almost all of a website's pages, sometimes exactly duplicating it and sometimes using only minor variations. Try to replace unnecessarily long or hard-to-read titles with more concise and descriptive alternatives.

For more information about this topic, you can refer to the relevant articles. At the same time as Disual in addition to design your website, we serve you under the name of SEO consultant for your pages can be found easier.