Better Product Pages: Turn Visitors Into Customers

The way you present your product or service is essential to its success - or at least it could be if you know how to do it right. On the Web, like anywhere else, the first impression you make on people is crucial. When selling a product, you want that first impression to be as positive and remarkable as possible.

Once people visit your website, make sure to attract their attention. If you have managed to draw them in, you will need to introduce the product within a few seconds. If people don't understand what you are offering them or how it works, they will lose interest quickly. Show them that your product is just what they want, that it's useful and that it adds some kind of value to their lives.

Here, we will cover different aspects of a product. The idea is to give you an overview of the different elements that make a product page successful.

Attract Attention

Before convincing anyone of the quality of your product, you need to make sure it gets noticed. The things you can do to catch the user's eye are limited only by your creativity. However there are three headings that we believe are effective. Firstly you should stand out from the crowd; secondly you should surprise your visitors. And another great way to attract attention is using humour on marketing.

Explain The Product

The way you present the product is crucial to people's first impression of both you and the product. Online services and new products especially need clarification in order for the audience to make sense of them. Obviously, if people don't get your product or understand why they would need it, they won't pay for it. So, at first you need to introduce the product. After that you should explain how  it works. And finally you should convince people that they need it.

Focus On The Main Selling Point

Most products have many features but only a few or even one selling point that makes them special. Distancing yourself from competitors is important, whether through hardware features, design, service or something else. Point out this difference when presenting the product and show people that the product is different, special and better. So, you should mention the quality of your product and explain the features of it. In the end, you can talk about customization; people love products that have some personal meaning for them.


Whether you are selling a gadget, software, service or anything else, your presentation will have a direct impact on people's first impression. And on the Web, which offers many choices and where people can leave your website in a mouse click, this first impression is crucial to your relationship with visitors and to gaining new customers.

A good presentation will draw the visitor's attention. To get more customers and have a better web page, you can get consultancy service from us, Disual.