Organic Search Listings That Drive Clicks Your search engine listing has a big impact on the traffic ultimately driven to your site. It's not enough to rank highly if you can't convince people to click. So, how can you convince them? Search listings will respond back as long as you feed them well in terms of content. Here a number of methods for you from Disual that will help you to be found on tops in the search results, support you with design and platform and hellp you to develop your listings.

Elements to Include

Your listing is made of up your page title, meta description (usually), and a URL. All of those should be tweaked as part of your search marketing efforts. To stand out, include:

  • Keywords in your titles, descriptions and URLs: Google and Bing will bold words in a listing that match the search query.
  • Your brand name: People like to click on familiar sites.
  • A call to action within the description: Something like, "Book your vacation now!"
  • Your selling points: Do you have a big selection, unique tools, or expert reviewers? Do you offer the lowest prices or free shipping?
  • Top products, departments, features, subheadings, or a first sentence from an article in the description: Remember that you can only have about 150 characters before you text will get truncated.

Bells & Whistles

Not every listing can have a bell or a whistle, but make sure you're ready to take advantage of these features that make a listing stand out:

  • Microformats, microdata, or RDFa code: Events, reviews, people, and more can be tagged to appear as part of a search listing. You can see these in action with upcoming shows on MySpace band pages, the star ratings on Yelp restaurant listings, and a sample of a person's friends appear with some Facebook profiles.
  • Google Breadcrumbs: These appear on many deep pages of some sites. They won't appear unless have navigational-based breadcrumbs on the actual page. You can mark up your breadcrumbs to ensure they show properly.
  • Sitelinks (Google) and deep links (Bing): These links appear beneath the home page listing of some sites. Your site has to be highly relevant for the search query to show sitelinks. It's hard to influence them. Watch your link text to try to change any poorly worded sitelinks, and you can also request to block any problem links.

People scan search results quickly, so anything you can do to make your listing stand out helps. Try to put yourself in the customer's position when determining what would appeal over the rest of the listings.

Finally, don't be content that you've found something that works. Keep testing to see what really drives more traffic to your site.

By taking the suggestions Disual shared above into consideration, you can try to develop your search listings or you can take Disual's help simply and directly to learn about design, site content and the basis by visiting Disual.