What is the Ee-Commerce?Recently, the concept of developing e-commerce is now known and used by everyone. Especially large companies are making new enterprises in social media, marketing and e-commerce. Thousands of people are working in this field and the sector is also growing with each passing day.

However, enabled people can not get enough position in the e-commerce which is Turkey's fastest - growing sector. To recover this lack , the project of ee-commerce funded by the partnership of Istanbul Development Agency and Ministry of Development and prosecute in the Creative Industries for Development of Non-Profit Institutions Financial Support Program. "Ee-commerce / barrier-free e-commerce" project to include disabled citizens in the field of e-commerce, aims to get the benefit of economic and technological developments. Disabled citizens in the field of e-commerce growth and give them the expertise and entrepreneurial ensure that the greatest purpose of the project.

For this purpose, the preparation of a certified e-commerce program with the front foot Beyazay Association of Turkey, Ministry of Development and Istanbul Development Agency are gathering their forces. This educational program aims development and provision of e-commerce sector and raise awareness among the society.

The training will be given a certificate for the full implementation of the program consists of experts who continue to take part in the trainers in the sector. After the training, the trainees will have job opportunities and be able to receive the trainees working areas of consulting services. Vision, hearing and physically disabled people can participate in all of this certificate program and the application form can be filled for the ee-commerce.com web site.

After this certification program to become a specialist in e-commerce business opportunities for our citizens with disabilities who will advance to the proliferation of hopes and we heartedly support this program's existence as Disual. If you want to support the ee-commerce, give an opportunity  to new e-commerce experts.