What You Need to Pay Attention to Your Company's Web Site, and Tips 

So your business has a website or you're in need of one for your brand new venture. Web design can be an overwhelming process. Therefore, some tips can help you get off to a more comfortable design.

A Logical Roadmap

Sure, a website should be aesthetically pleasing, but it's more important for it to be useful. Before you even pick a server or type an HTML tag, you should map out how you'd like the website to work. This is important both for user experience and for SEO. So, map out and mock up a design for the site and run it by a few friends to make sure it makes sense and is intuitive.

Crucial Business Information

The biggest failure that people have is that they try to build the website they want, not necessarily the website they need. Keep text to a minimum when it comes to your mission statement. Depending on your business, you should have a few things on your website that fall into the realm of information.

Contact Information

We can't stress enough that most crucial business detail is contact information which is why it has its own section. There's nothing more frustrating than being unable to get in touch with a needed business or service. When you put an email address or a phone number on the site, don't upload this information as part of an image. The number or address should be able to be clicked on or copied right from the site in order to place the call or send an email conveniently and quickly. Most smart phones these days have the ability to do "click to call" on the web, so make the process as easy as possible for users.

Clear Navigation

A website is useless without clear navigation. Make sure you use easy-to-understand and logical names for the various pages of your site. When developing your navigation strategy, you should consider a call to action. Put yourself in the shoes of who's coming to your site and think about the goal of your potential customer.


SecurityIf you're selling anything online, you need to put some effort into securing your site with an SSL certificate. The SSL will encrypt communications between you and your clients which will allay their fears of providing such information, since there's so much identity theft on the web.

Social Media Integration

Social Media IntegrationThere are a lot of social platforms out there like Twitter, Facebook, Thumblr, YouTube, LinkedIn, Foursquare and Google+ and you should promote your presence on them on your website, because social media is critical part of marketing your business. Integrating these platforms into your website will help boost your SEO, improve your business' footprint on the social web and build your following across numerous social platforms.

A Mobile-Ready Version

A Mobile-Ready VersionSmart phones and tablets are driving an increasing amount of web traffic, and the numbers are only going to grow as mobile devices become cheaper and more mainstream. According to some research 70% of task completion happens within one hour on mobile sites, meaning that people are often browsing on the web with intent. Responsive website design enables you to use fluid widths, so that your website layout will adapt to the screen on which it's being browsed. You can enter HTML code so that your sidebar takes up. Layouts are adjustable and images are scalable to make for a better web experience on myriad devices.

Good Hosting

Don't mess around with hosting. You need your site on a mainstream provider, and it costs a handful of dollars every month to have 24/7 technical assistance. Not having good hosting can cost you in many ways. A slow site is frustrating, one that fails to load is obnoxious and both could turn off customers. As Disual, we give our own hosting to our customers and we offer websites the possibility of giving full performance.

Some Features You Don't Need

Don't underestimate the power of simplicity. Feel free to forgo these things on your website:


  • Music
  • Flash
  • Anything that autoplays, whether it's music or a video.
  • Extraneous information and media - it'll only slow down the page's loading time.


All these tips above make you website a better company web site and also help it to be simple, elegant, equipped and easily accessible from all directions. As Disual we support these suggestions and we give all these services to make your company to have a better website. If you want to take advantage of all these services, you can contact us.