Mobile Marketing

Recently people spend more time with mobile phones than ever before. In the past we use cell phones to talk, send sms, make video calls and to take pictures. Now we use mobile phones to shop, to be informed what does our colleagues do, to get involved in the use of social media more than ever. For this reason advertisers and marketing professionals are trying every way to reach mobile phone and mobile device users, to understand their internet usage habits and to follow the trends.

According to the researches which make to measure the size of the mobile market, people use their mobile phones to reach the internet more than their desktop computers. This means that they do everything with their mobile phones or devices in the time that they spend in the internet. Today 4 billion mobile phones are in use around the world and 1.08 billion of them are smart phones. Cell phone usage has increased to the highest level than the computer usage since 2007. Researchers say that the usage of desktop computers would be reduces even more in 2014.

According to the surey, mobile internet users are using their mobile devices actively while they are watching television. Americans spend 2.7 hours of the day socializing with their mobile devices. This number fits to 1/3 of the time they sleep and double of the time they eat. Most of the users use Facebook for social and mobile market. Twitter is coming in the second place. 35 to 54 years of women are coming in the first place of the socializing people who use mobile devices for that.

In view of these results to take part in the mobile market is crucial to companies to be known and to advertise. If you want to be known by users, want to be visited and take a part in mobile market, come to Disual so we will design an innovative, seo-based and easy to use web sites for you.